Jan 16, 2005 21:31
this weekend went ok dont you think? Friday, yeah...already told you about that, Saturday too. Oh, except i thought it was pry funny to see a certain someone (who does indeed have a gf who keeps him on an inch long leesh) be all flirty with some chick when we were watching the guys saturday. lol. ohhh man, if only she knew. "smart woman stay single".........proven fact right there man. lol . anyways......today, slept in again til around 11:30 ahhhh heaven....then went to the library to study for exams and whatnot ( sry for not callin til later jess :-/ ) why do teachers insist on piling on the hw AS WELL AS exam review???? FAGS. yah. well at least i got the rest of my econ exam review done and some other stuff . but i most definately DONT have my advanced math portfolio done and im SCREWED like a motherrrr. o well, ill get it done tomrw fer sure dirty.
but for now, i need to go finish up this um , whatever, u know.....L.A.3/math/anatomy/yeah hw...
love you all (with a few exceptions lol) AnGeLa NiCoLe-