funn funn

Oct 09, 2005 13:43

My goodness! there are only 4 more days until i'm in ny!!! I've been waiting for monthss!!! agh! and im not coming up alone, though- Rob's coming too!! he's so cute, he keeps reminding me like everyday about it, i think he's really excited about it. It's gonna be hard though, not PDA or anything the whole time we're there... i may just have to kidnap him at some point and show him the top of the barn... ( yes i just said barn! we're gonna be on a FARM!!!! haha its awesome though...) Its supposed to be cold when we get there, so im kinda looking forward to that, i jsut don't want it to be rainy like last year.

Last ngiht was fun. It was homecoming, but I didn't go. I feel kinda bad still because Rob musta been really looking forward to it, when i told him I wasnt going anymore, he was really upset! But I think we had fun anyways. We went on a little date.. It was fun. We went to Hops- We compromised... he spent 2 hours with me at the nail salon yesterday! What a boyfriend! lol sooo... then after our date he dropped me off, and went off with his boys! I was sorta lonely.. so My neighbor Kevin was home from school, and I picked him up and he went with me to Blockbuster. We rented Amittyville Horror show.. and the guy at Blockbuster ASSURED me that it wasnt scary at ALL!! that the story turned out to be a hoax, and its really not scary. So i was like FIIIINE, we rented it. HOLY FREAKIN CRAP! it WAS SO scary! I screamed the whole time! Kevin kept laughing at me, I was terrified! We kept hearing noises, So I kept making him come WITH me to see what they were.. omg i was freakin scared shitless! agh! so after the movie, the girls were jsut getting home from Homecoming, so he came with me to go meet up with them. We ended up all walking down to a party down the street, and that was ok.. there were all people from school, and a guy I knew through on of my old friends... i coudln't believed he recognized me, he was really nice too.. I had to take Kev home, cause someone he can't associate with, was on their way there... I took him home, and changed my clothes, and came back to pick the rest of the girls up. Then we went back to Jen B's, and hung out a bit. I was sooo tired! I woke up this AM at noon!! agh! well I missed Rob last ngiht.. I wish I had watched that movie with him.. but he probably woulda been just as scared if not more... :)

I can't wait for the end of this week, Rob and I will both finalyl be in NY! It's abotu freakin time! FUn weekend! I love Rob so much!!! It's weird,sometimes i feel like I don't appreciate him as much as he does to me.. but I do, I really truly do...

Ciao Love, Caity
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