First, I really doesn't have much confidence in my drawings so I made some of them friend-locked..
I love to draw and it was one of my passion, but after one of my friend tell me "YOU HAVE ZERO TALENT", I was....really frustrated....
But still, I love to draw and I am still drawing whatever I want to...
WARNING: My drawing are full used of pens and pencil, don't ask me to colour it.. I don't know how..*sobbed*
So, if you are interested in seeing it, you may add me but first, you really-really should introduce yourself...
HERE so that I know who you are..
And please don't be too harsh on me..I am shy enough to post them, but still I want to!!
FIRST STORY> Illustration<(unlocked)
Storyline: Kame was having a photoshoot, more likely to a fashion show...
(Clicky here)
Title: Akame LOve...season 2(f-locked)
Storyline: Kame was learning how to swim...with the horny guy..Jin..XD
Notes: I'm getting pervier..Man, my brain did corrupted....
(Clicky Here) Title: Akame Love Story Season 3(f- locked)
Storyline: Jin's way of seducing Kame...XDD..
Notes: What the hell am I thinking?!!!
Title: Confession(un-locked)
JunDa Illustration>>
Click here for the full picture^^ Title: Unrequited LOve..( friend-locked)
This one is my own personal problem draw, somethings I tried to deliver in this drawing..
>>The full drawing is here>> SHORT AKAME DOUJINSHI*is it even a doujin??*
Well, it's have been a while since the last time I'm posting my fanarts* even though I've done a lots due to my corrupted mind>laughs<*
JUST CLICK HERE firstl lAnd click here afterl