Dec 16, 2003 20:23
Three more chapters in Physics left to's taken me five hours to go through the last three...
Looks like a great time for an update.
Two finals down, three to go.
My provisional license expires tomorrow and they haven't sent me my real one. Crap.
Sometimes I feel like I'm so alone. And the next minute I think I have all the friends in the world and I'm the luckiest girl alive. And then alone. Why is that?
I used to pretend sometimes that my life was one of those down-to-earth reality shows, like those summer camp ones on the Disney channel, and I'd comment to myself like I was talking to a camera about how my life was going. I'd also stand in front of the mirror and practice how I'd look during the opening credits. My favorite was when I'd swing around a door, and my hair would kinda swish around and I'd look all surprised to see the camera, but happy at the same time.
Hm. Almost as fun as the times when I'd pretend my plastic dog figurines lived on boats made out of books from my room.
I had a dream last night in which Austin came on a family vacation to Tahoe with us, and my family loved him. But I knew that he only came on some orders from this mass-murderer so he could kill us. Nobody believed me when I told them until it was almost too late. Then I woke up.
I talked to Peter. He's coming over Monday to give me a present. Huh. Which means I probably need one for him.
And one for Lauren (!) although I don't know what she wants (ahem).
Speaking of which, I am currently browsing through a FoxTrot book that Lauren gave me last time I saw her. It is almost falling apart by now, we read it so much.
And because I'm too lazy to respond in another comment-thing, what do I want for Christmas? Besides a good digital camera (which is certainly out of any budgets involved)...I don't know. NO! WAIT! I DO! You know those Body Shop Cranberry bath beads? I've been looking forever to find them and they cannot be found. Do they even make them anymore? If so, that would be gorgeous.
Well, this has been fun.