Mar 14, 2014 13:58
Hey there! It's been awhile since I've posted, and the community seems a little slow, so I thought I'd post something I've been thinking about and get a discussion/some feedback going.
Does anyone else have trouble with combining your ldr with your everyday life? By that I mean this. When my boyfriend isn't here I go about my daily routines, and of course in some fashion he is apart of my life, since we are talking everyday, planning, being in a relationship, etc. However, when he visits, I feel like we kind of retreat into this world of our own where everything revolves around us. We know our time is limited, so we dedicate every second to being together. When he leaves, I sometimes find it difficult to transition back into my routine. Not because I miss him necessarily (although I do) more so because it just feels like my life when he's around and my life when I'm by myself are totally separate.
I also worry about how this will work when we finally close the distance. I'm an independent person who enjoys doing things alone and loves her personal time. I wonder how I'm going to, I guess, meld my relationship into my established way of being? We probably won't feel that need to do every single thing together since I know he'll always be there, so I wonder if it will be awkward going about my life with him around? (especially since we do plan on living together)
Thoughts? Personal experiences?