I need some advice. I moved cross country last summer to live with my boyfriend. I've been on a roller coaster of homesickness lately, but my family members are being assholes. My birthday was last week, and neither of my parents (never married, separate households, they don't speak) even bothered to call Or send a card or anything. My grandma, who was like a mom to me, seems totally unsympathetic to my feelings. When I told her I was homesick, she said "we miss you too, but this was your choice" as if I'd moved to hurt them.
My mom did call me a couple days after my birthday, at 4am completely hammered, and then again in the morning to say I should forgive her for not calling since "the important thing to you is the check I sent". That is obviously not how I feel, I've never had a real relationship with her, because she was so inconsistent in visiting me.
My dad skipped Easter dinner with his family to go to his oxy dealer's house instead. He raised me, and I still haven't heard from him since before Easter.
my question is this: in order to cure my homesickness should I save to go home for a week, or decorate my apartment to make this feel more like home?
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