The Great LFA Review

Oct 08, 2012 10:43

When I took over as mod, I thought it would be a good idea to have a review of the community to get some feedback and - most importantly - how we could inject some life back into it. I set up a poll but the response was very disappointing. I don't think my timing was the best because it was the beginning of the summer and obviously people weren't around as much. (Also a short time later, my college decided it would be fun to assign me a hugely intensive summer project so I wasn't around much either!)

Now it's October, the summer is long past and school is pretty much in, I think. This seems like a good time to point you all in the direction of the poll and beg on bended knee for you to take the time to fill it out. Hopefully, there'll be more response this time, so when you've all had chance to complete it, I'll post about the results and any resulting changes. And without further ado, here's the link!

The Great LFA Review
This is your opportunity to have your say about your community.

*community rules*

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