A bit belated, but success!

Mar 16, 2011 22:12

Name: Nat
His name: David
My age: 26
His age: 30
Link to original member stats: Our stats
Together since: Feb 09, 2010
Short distance since: January 19, 2011
Time we were long distance: Nearly a year
How we finally became local: I moved from Oxford to York to start medical school in October. David stayed in Cambridge to finish writing up his PhD thesis before deciding that he could do it anywhere, so he'd rather be with me. He found a house share nearby so he stayed there for a few months and then on 19th January this year we moved into our own little 2-bed apartment together :-)
Future plans: We're getting married on the 9th July (exactly 17 months to the day we met). After then, he's trying to find a job which should be a bit easier due to change in immigration status (yay!) since he's American. I have another 4 years of med school, so finish that and work on having babies!

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