May 13, 2008 11:15
By 5 p.m. today, I'll be on my way to see my baby again and be with him for the whole summer.
I recently got invited to someone's prom, and went with them (as a friend, obviously), and the whole thing just made me way too nostalgic and lonely-feeling. It was fun dancing, but it would've been more fun dancing with him! So now I get to go off and do just that, dance with him and cuddle him and be with him. I can't think of a better treat after finishing up my finals.
And then, in two weeks, we'll be off for our big 15-day trip to Italy and France. Venice, and Paris (*sigh* so romantic, and I can practice my French), and Rome, and Florence! So much art, so much history...I've been to both France and Italy multiple times, both as touristy-type ventures and just to live there, but it never gets old and I'll get to be the Expert who shows him around all the sites (and jumps his bones at the hostels). Speaking of which, we're staying in youth hostels in Itay, but a HOTEL in France. Um, hells to the yeah!
In conclusion...
That's all I really wanted to say :) Hope everyone is doing well!