Jul 21, 2005 07:30
Well its 7:30am and im up for the day...or so I hope. It's nice really... the house is quiet, the internet works again (thank you TWC), and being up at 7:30am allots me a certian amount of time to do things before mom wakes up. Church was...intresting last night, I probibly looked so high. Since ive been sick latly ive been on med, but the other night I purchased a box of sudafed night time (plus :-\), anways... I took two and went to church, its only the second time in my life that ive taken night time medicine and went to church. I informed savanna that I was going to 'fall asleep right here'. Guess that teaches me eh?
But its all good becuse I think im over this sinus thing, or so I dearly hope. I've been drinking ALOT of green tea latly which has a buttload of anti-oxidants in it, pretty much just good for naturally fighting off things of the sickness persuasion. Oh, good news!... I have a lady coming to look at the dog today yaaay! I was so excited when I got her voice mail (huh Linzi?), shes coming at like 6 so I need to give the dog a bath lol. And I guess I need to mow the lawn, and I have to get piano in today, and lots of reading. So I should keep pretty busy up til 1:30 because then its time to get ready for work. And then of course I have a few hours after I get home before I go to bed. I went to bed at 10:30pm last night NO LIE, I dont like anyone believed it since I got woke up like 4 times... first the internet came back on and automatically signed raelee's SN on so Savanna IM's and wakes me up and im like "holy370 batman the internet is back on" So I get rid of her and go back to bed, and my mom calls me because she thinks im always up.. so I go back to sleep and my mom gets home so the little pups are yappin and that wakes me up, and I just remember walking in the kitchen and slamming my hand on the counter...? ooooo I remember I had lost my vision and saw grey squares.. haha mom was like 'gosh you scared me' then im back in bed and shes like 'come look at this thing' im like 'for the dog?' shes like 'yeah come on' im like 'immmmm alsleeeeep I'll loook in the morning' and being a mom that works til 1am and has no problem with the lack of sleep is like 'fiiiiiiine go back to sleep then *teasing*' haha oh well. I took Pictures of the kids in the day care yesterday, they are soo cute, but if Matthew didnt stop crying yesterday and pulling my hair...I swear.., It really bugs me to get my hair pulled now, I didnt think id mind because I have a tuff head...but noooo no no nooo babies KNOW what hurts..they really do, they know what hair and where to pull...GAH It gives me headache EVERY day lol. but cha gotta love em.
Anyways this is the first time Ive updated lj before Xanga....and Jena its not becuse I love it more then xanga.... its cuz i was here already :-p.