(no subject)

Jul 24, 2006 10:12

I haven't updated in such a long time. So much has been going on. I am still trying to move out to California. Soon soon soon. I don't know about it yet. I want to move there to be closer to family but I don't think I want to start a family there or anything.

In other news, I bought a car. A 2007 Scion TC. Go to my myspace account to see the pictures, if you really want to.

Tomorrow I leave for Florida for about a week. So, I am going to be super busy today getting everything ready for the trip. I need to pack, do laundry, go to the bank, clean, and all that stuff. I really need a vacation.

Then Otakon, of course. So, I need to buy tickets for that today as well. Whew! So much to do.

And pay my freaking bills. That would be awesome as well.
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