omg, this is the funniest dream everr!

Nov 21, 2004 11:53

aarons dream last nite :

Agfresh89: i was walking outside and i see this family sitting infront of their house.......all pail.......all staring at me...........i walk over and im like what wrong with u guys.......there like my daughter is inside and we cant find her..............i was like ok........grabbed jay and nicole and some other kids and we went looking for this girl..........yo i swear to god it was just like the im looking for this girl.........and i turn around and noone that i brought with me was there i open a door and there is the girl.........all bloody and eyes flipped back and screaming and growling........(so im on the second floor) i run full speed and leap through this glass window and tumble on the ground and start running.......i see my dad's house up a head so i start to slow down and walk to his house....i get there and jay and nicole are just chilling in my house......all nothing im bugging out.........then i go to go downstairs and when i open the door.....the girl is right there again.......she leaps at me and i pull a matrix move and she lands on jay........starts pulling his eyes out and shit and eating his im like WTF and jet...........up the stairs and walkin in on haslem fuckin some girl..........hes like yo WTF and now im sooooo confused and shitting my pants cuz i have no idea what is going then i see the girl come up the stairs like the girl from the ring.........all slow and bloody and sudden quick i decide to jump out another window into the pool......i clode my eyes before i hit the water and when i open them again underwater the girl is right on top of myt choking me with no eyes and just pitchblack sockets...then i wake up

haha --

frans sweet sixteen last night-
soo much fun- <33

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