Feb 19, 2005 21:38
Where is the best place to ..
[x] Talk on the phone:: my room
[x] Make friends:: school
[x] Eat:: anywhere
[x] Kiss:: in the rain
[x] Read:: my room
[x] Listen to music:: my room
[x] Get drunk:: at church (lol jk)
[x] Watch a movie:: in the basement
[x] Sleep:: my bed
[x] Go on a date:: the movies
[x] Write:: lj
[x] Just relax:: anywhere in my house
[x] Think of "him":: anywhere
[x] Talk to your love<3:: in my room
[x] Go for a walk:: on the beach.
[x] Talk to your family:: in the living room
[x] Take pictures:: anywhere
[x] Draw:: my room
[x] Dance:: in the rain
[x] Sing:: anywhere
[x] Do your homework:: my room
[x] Dream:: in my bed.
[x] Go on vacation":: far away
[x] Hang out with your friends:: my house or ellens
[x] Write Poems:: my room