Feb 14, 2006 15:56
Valentines Day? [14 Feb 2005|09:07pm]
[ mood | jealous ]
[ music | REM-everybody hurts. ]
well i'm happy to say that valentines day is coming to an end. its a holiday that i could do without. its for couples.. and if you're one of those happy couples i say congrats-if you're in the same boat as me.. then don't worry my friends... we have next year. happy valentines dayyyy.
i'll be saying the same shit every year. i don't even know why i bother sometimes....i can't seem to find the good in anything and i get annoyed to easily... i'm just going to pull everyone apart until theres nothing left and then i can really start to feel lonely. i like to run around and avoid thinking about anything but the second i have a free moment to myself.. when i'm not doing anything distracting my thoughts creep up on me and i feel like my heart just drops to the floor and everything i've been avoiding for so long starts to choke me and sometimes i just wish my thoughts would finish me off maybe one day i'll choke myself alittle more than the last time and put myself out of my misery..until then i guess