
Jul 28, 2002 22:47

alright, before i begin im a little drunk right the spelling is kinda funky..okay so what ever..i didnt go out with magena on friday, cuz her dad didnt let her go, well it turns out that she did go! and she went with karen and marcos and shit..w.e fuck that i have a new quote its think clearly, love deeply, respect everyone, but trust no one yah thats w.e on saturaday i was supposed to sleep over my dad'z boat..but the weather wasnt coo` lol so w.e man jessica came over and we went to the beach and to the earing fell amnd this boy critstian got it for me and it was cool...then we came upstairs and faught of what w were going to do and them finaly we went to her house and she braided my hair in cornrows..i looked soooooo cute! imma try to get the pix i rteally trhink that she thinks that i like lenny..andi dont i just think he'z whatever..hes cutie..but thatrs it is it! so we went to her house..and it was fun i did stuff to her computer..yeah..and then around 2:00 i went home and to sleep..then today i woke up and my sitster told me to get dressed and we went down stairs and we had this was okay so like i drank alot and my dad didnt care, he was like okay its cool you could drink..just not alot lol im drunk..w.e it was fun..then i went home and chilled

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