Title: Angst Fest
Author: loveronhermione
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Angel, Tenth Doctor
Pairings: Ten/Angel, mentions of Doctor/Rose and Angel/Buffy
Summary: The Doctor visits Sunnydale and, to his surprise, finds a familiar face.
Warnings: Slash, Complete and Utter Crack
Spoilers: Takes place after Series Four of Doctor Who and in between Seasons One and Two of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But, just to be safe, we'll say spoilers through Season Two of Buffy.
Word Count: 1,828
Disclaimer: Hahahahaha. I wouldn't do this to them if it were really mine. I just like playing with other people's things.
Author Note:
bassair and I were talking about her Magic and Mayhem series (it's an awesome series that's a crossover of Torchwood and Buffy the Vampire Slayer), and I was trying to guess who she had paired Angel with in the newest fic in the series. I said, as a joke, "Your fic description makes it seem like the Doctor is coming to town, and I would laugh HYSTERICALLY if you gave us Ten/Angel. They could have an angst fest that would last centuries." I decided that the idea was too good to pass up, so here is a silly attempt to bring an Ten/Angel fic into the world. Please keep in mind that this is just for fun and should not be taken seriously. Really.
Here's her contribution! It's amazing. Everyone should read it. It's porntastic.
Angel ran into the cemetery after hearing the telltale sounds of a struggle. With Buffy out of town, he was having to pick up the slack in the slaying department. Willow and Xander were pretty useless without their blonde friend, and Angel didn’t want them to get hurt, for Buffy’s sake. He wouldn’t be able to take how hurt she would be if he let anything happen to them. So the vampire became the Slayer.
Angel stopped in his tracks, however, when he noticed what looked like a blue telephone booth standing next to one of the gravestones. Something about it looked oddly familiar. He tried to think back to where he might have seen it. No, he told himself. It couldn’t be. What are the odds of him showing up here?
A particularly loud yell brought Angel back to the present. Right. Vampires to kill. Someone to be saved. Why did I have to fall in love with the Slayer, of all people? Angel ran toward where he had heard the sound coming from and his suspicions about the blue box were confirmed. Before him were two figures, one obviously a vampire, the other what appeared to be a man in a brown pinstriped suit dodging the vampire’s blows. Angel had seen the man before, a long time ago. Before he had been cursed with a soul.
“Look, you are reasonably intelligent!” the man tried to reason in a British accent as he ducked a right hook. “There is no reason we should be fighting! There are more acceptable ways for you to gain your nutrients! You don’t need to kill!”
“Would you shut up?!” the vampire yelled at the man.
“I seem to remember you being more than just ‘reasonably intelligent’,” Angel said to the man. “You should know that they see no reason not to kill. It’s fun for them.”
The man noticed Angel at that moment, distracting him just long enough to be hit by the vampire. The blow knocked him back. He tripped over a gravestone and fell to the ground. As the vampire readied himself for the final blow, Angel whipped a stake out of his pocket and stabbed the vampire in the back, precisely where the heart was located. The vampire turned to dust, which fell all over the man.
The man stood up and started brushing himself off. “Really, you didn’t have to kill him. I could have handled it myself. And I just had this one cleaned. I had to give away my only other suit.” He then looked at Angel and stumbled back a bit. “Angelus?”
“Yes. No. Kind of,” Angel replied, trying to wrap his mind around the fact that this was indeed the man he remembered. He wasn’t a demon, and yet he hadn’t aged a day.
“Kind of?” the man asked. Then he furrowed his brow. “What happened to your accent? You sound…American.”
Angel pinched the bridge of his nose. “You are exactly the same. Only you would be faced with a demon that wanted you dead the last time it saw you, and you ask about its accent.”
“I’m kind of used to being wanted dead. People’s accents don’t just change every day, however.”
“Well, I don’t want you dead, so you can just forget about that part. Although, I guess the accent thing kind of goes along with that explanation, so maybe I should just start from the beginning.”
“You don’t want me dead? What was that about seeing no reason not to kill?”
“Them. Not me. I don’t do that anymore.”
“That explains the ‘kind of’, then. Angelus would certainly never have stopped killing if he had the choice. He would have made a game of it, but there definitely would have been killing somewhere in there. So what happened to you?”
“Gypsies. I killed a gypsy princess. They weren’t so fond of me after that. They decided that I needed to suffer as greatly as them. They cursed me.”
The man raised an eyebrow. “What sort of curse?”
“They restored my soul.”
“Ah. Yeah, that’d stop the killing. But the accent?”
“I couldn’t stand to be near the destruction I’d caused. I moved over here almost immediately after being cursed. That was about a hundred years ago. The accent faded, I guess. I hadn’t even really noticed.”
The man laughed. “So you’re slaying other vampires, now, Angelus?”
“Penance, for what I’ve done. And people call me Angel, now.”
The man stuck out his hand to shake. “Well, nice to meet you, Angel. I’m -”
“The Doctor,” Angel interrupted as he shook the man’s hand. “I remember that. But what are you doing here?”
“I was feeling a bit nostalgic,” the Doctor replied, looking wistful.
“You’ve been to Sunnydale, before?” Angel asked.
“Well, no. But a few years ago, I was travelling with this girl named Rose…. Well, that’s not important. But, anyway, I encountered what some would call the Devil. And even though we destroyed the planet he was on and most likely killed him, I was missing Rose. And, well, a Hellmouth seemed like a good place to find something resembling a Devil, don’t you think?” the Doctor explained very quickly.
Angel blinked a few times, taking in all the Doctor had said. “Was this, um, planet the only place you and Rose travelled?”
“Well, no,” the Doctor said. “Why?”
“So, you’d gone more than one place with this girl, and you chose to reminisce about the time you met the Devil?” Angel asked.
“That doesn’t strike you as odd?”
“Not particularly,” the Doctor answered, shrugging.
“What are you?”
“What makes you ask that?”
“You don’t think with any recognizable form of logic, you say that you’ve been to other planets, and you haven’t aged a day since I saw you about 130 years ago.”
“Well, neither have you.”
“I’m a demon, what’s your excuse?”
The Doctor sighed. “If you must know, I can travel in time. I actually met Angelus about three days ago. I’m a Time Lord.”
“A time what?”
“A Time Lord. The last of the Time Lords, to be exact. I come from the planet Gallifrey. I may appear to be human, but I am far from it.”
“What happened to Gallifrey that you’re the only one left?” Angel asked. He couldn’t help but be curious when left with such obvious bait.
“There was a great war. Everyone lost. There was terrible destruction. I was the only one of my kind to survive. Well, there was one other, but he hid himself and didn’t fight, and ended up dying later, so I’m still the last one left.”
“Oh.” How do you respond to something like that? Angel wondered. “I’m sorry.”
The Doctor waved Angel’s concern away. “Don’t worry about it. But enough about me. How’s that soul treating you?”
“I feel remorse for every terrible thing I did as Angelus. I’m in love, and it’s making me happier, but if I ever am truly happy, I will lose my soul and turn back into Angelus. And, to top it off, I’m in love with the Slayer.”
“So I take it you’re not really enjoying it, then.”
“You think?”
The Doctor shrugged.
“And you? Have you managed to fall in love? That Rose girl sounds promising. Very few people can say that they’ve gone to Hell and back with someone and mean it literally. That’s got to mean something, right?”
“Yeah. I did fall in love with her. But she got trapped in an alternate dimension.”
“Oh. Wow. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it. The last time I went there, I left her the result of a biological meta-crisis.”
“A what?”
“A clone, of sorts.”
“You left her a clone of you?”
“Well, I couldn’t well stay in that dimension myself. I have responsibilities. And he was half human, and would age like a human. They would be able to grow happy and old together. I would never be able to do that with her. It’s better this way.”
Angel just looked at the Doctor.
“So, where is this Slayer you’re in love with?”
“In L.A. for the summer, visiting her dad.”
“She left you here to do her slaying for her?” the Doctor asked.
“It’s not like that. I don’t have to. It just…it seems right.”
“And what has this Slayer done for you, recently?”
“She loves me! Accepts me for who I am, demon and all! It’s hard to find someone with a soul who can love a demon.”
“She loves you so much that she left you for months?”
“Why are you saying these things?”
“Because it gets lonely, being the one of a kind. I can’t stay with people for too long. They end up getting hurt. And then they have to leave me, and it breaks me. And then here you are, suffering alone. Like me. In love with someone who isn’t around. Like me. I thought that maybe, we could keep each other company, so to speak. Just for one night.”
“But, Buffy -”
“The Slayer? She isn’t here. She won’t know. This wouldn’t mean that you would love her any less. I certainly don’t love Rose any less than when she was with me every day.”
“You really think that this is a good idea?” Angel asked skeptically.
“No, not really. But how does that saying go? Misery loves company.” The Doctor shrugged.
Angel sighed. “Oh, Hell. Why not?” Angel stepped forward quickly and took the thinner man by the shoulders and pressed his lips against those of the Time Lord. The Doctor responded immediately, lips moving fiercely against the vampire’s. Soon, Angel’s tongue demanded entrance into the Doctor’s mouth, and the Time Lord eagerly complied. Their tongues battled, fighting both each other and themselves with their pent up aggressions and frustrations regarding their star-crossed loves.
After a few minutes, the Doctor pulled back for air. Angel, not requiring any air to live, just looked on as the Doctor panted. “I have an apartment near here, if you want to go there,” he suggested.
“Yes,” the Doctor replied, nodding as he caught his breath.
The next morning, Angel and the Doctor were in Angel’s bed. The curtains were pulled, causing the room to be fairly dark, despite the hour. Their various articles of clothing lay disregarded on the floor. The two men were staring at the ceiling, talking to each other of their memories.
“All of my companions end up leaving me in the end. I will forever be lonely,” the Doctor said.
“I constantly feel the pain of having tortured and killed hundreds of people,” Angel responded competitively.
“I had to destroy my own people in order to save the universe,” the Doctor quipped.
“I can never have a moment of real happiness,” Angel replied.
The Doctor opened and closed his mouth. “I can’t really beat that one, can I? You win. Your life is worse than mine.”