Mood Theme

May 10, 2010 07:01

So, I got a new mood theme.  However, this layout doesn't show any mood themes.  Just says my mood.  I really love the layout and don't wan to have to find another, but I really wanna show off the new Glee mood theme I found.  If anyone knows CSS well enough to make this work out, please let me know.  I know just enough to mess around and make the mood theme show up, but subsequently screwing up the way that the tags all fit into the same width of space as the posts.  So, yeah, help would be appreciated.

In other news, it's the last day of my freshman year of college, and I'm locked out of my room.  I haven't slept since yesterday because, apparently, when my roommate went to bed, she locked the door.  I'm not angry at her.  It's my own damn fault.  This is literally the only time all year I've stayed out late without my key. Fuuuuuck my life.

other, glee

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