Title: Yes
Author: loveronhermione
Rating: G
Characters: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Fred Burkle
Pairings: Wes/Fred, Fred/Gunn implied
Summary: Just Wes, imagining things.
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Takes place between Waiting in the Wings and Couplet.
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I worship at the alter of Joss Whedon.
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce smiled at his beautiful bride. He'd loved her so long and so hard, and now it was finally working out. And yes, God yes, did he want Winifred Burkle for his lawfully wedded wife. Then, yes, finally, she was his and he was hers and it was time to kiss the bride. And as their lips met-.
"Wesley?" Fred asked, poking her head into his office in the Hyperion, pulling Wesley out of his head.
Smiling sadly, "Yes?" Fred was with Gunn.
"You okay?"
"Yes," he nodded. He had to be. He had a prophecy to work on.