
Jul 07, 2006 09:03

Alrite..so on Wednesday i hung out with james after work! we went bowling and drove his friend to his house cuz he had no ride! then back to his house to work on his amp and his speakers!! i met his family they were really nice! his brother joe seems like a really good guy! his cousins were kewl except for kyle who was being mean!..running around the neighborhood with two basketballs and jumping over hedges and flower pots and lawns and dodging shit and four boys not being able to catch you is some funny shit to watch!! lmao! good times!!..i was a defender of his car when they were shooting cuz james and his dad didn't want to get hit while working on the car so i defended them lol!..then on my way home i got BK and then brought it home ate and went to bed after will and grace!...then woke up early yesterday for practice!! then to mcdonalds and then home and i slept until about 1! ahh sleep for a lil bit!...then did my chores my mommy asked of me and then picked up krystal and got an ice cream from work and then off to amandas where we did some errands and then went over to maciejs house! where ernest,alec,mark,kevin,amanda,kristin,and steve came too!! oh and andrew showed up really late and stayed for alil bit then left!...It was a grande ole time! i played some pong and i made it in the last cup damn im getting better at this game!! ernest and i won both games ..fuck yes that's how we do!!..then just sat around and drank and talked and laughed then i ended up callin james.. an we talked for a long while! it was good to talk to him...by the way...I'm sorry james for callin and prolly keeping you up..and thanx!!..then layed down after a lil bit of drinking some orange juice and put a water in the fridge for me for later and then ended up passing out/falling asleep around 3?! then wokeup off and on and got up for good around 7?! then to amandas to change and pick up my car then drop krystal off at home and then to my house and now i'm here! today i have to go shopping for crazes grad party tonight and then going there around 4 and then around 6 my coach is gonna pick me up from my house and i'm going to go run a race!! woot woot! lets see how i do!...well i'm out sorry and thanx again superman!...and who all was with me last night it was mostly a good fuckin night but no at the same time lol! great job to us!! "Did you see how many beers mostly only 3-5 of us drank??!!" damn!!lol!
*~*~I dunno how i'm going to be able to talk/see to him and not feel stupid and horrible!...??????
***I'm thinking no partying for a while?? cuz i dunt wanna be like that...i'll go if i'm a supervisor or DD though cuz i still wanna chill with everyone!...
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