Another party!!

Jul 02, 2006 22:46

Alrite so yesterday i chilled at home and did some crap and then at 7 i met up at hatherly with lauren and andrew matti and robby and his bro and dan and his bro and pat and his friend and josh tylenda to play soccer!! that was hilarious shit!! me being afraid and robby and i alopping without neone knowing..(cuz they were too busy talking about shins)lmao!..robby makin fun of my running so i kept running like a girl just for my honey lmao! j/k! and then me actually playing good the last half of the 3 hours we played lmao!...then off to my house to drop cars off and get ready for party i was heading to with stephanie after dinner with robby (my husband),lauren,robs bro,pat and stephanie!! coney island was closed so we went to big boys instead!! what a blast it was there!! rob almost making me a widow so soon cuz he choked on his drink through a straw? lmfao!! great quotes from the night.. "i wish it were cherries instead of strawberries on the ceiling"(between me and steph);"don't talk to ur wife like that cuz i can cut you off"..rob:"but how you have the credit cards babe"..*robs bro and i look at each other and start laughing*..then rob laughs "oh yea i'm sorry i don't want to get cut off" lmfao! but sooo many more great things but you don't need to know allthe stuff lol! then home to drop lauren off to grab her car to go home and grabbed stephs car and off to neils house to PARRTYY!!! got there around 11:50! yea! practically the same time we got to the other party we went to with them 6-7 months ago hehe! so we get there and chill for a few minutes talking and i said waddup to jeremy and asain and neil since i haven't seen them in 6-7 months!! sweetness! then i grab stephs camera and the guys mentioned VODKA!! omfg so i had to grab the camera and steph and i took a huge ass vodka shot in these freakin tall ass glasses!! the pic came out fuckin awesome as hell! lol! then i played some beer pong with jason (one of stephs twin cousins) as my partner!! omfg i did good actually i was amazed lmao!! we came back from being down 7-1 lmao! we lost though but only by 2 damn! it was a close ass game everyone had to stop what they were doing to get their asses over to watch us finish! lol! then chilled and just drank some beers and made ppls drinks!...then i had to be a good luck charm for jason when he was playing with megan!! and it fuckin worked they won both times and i stood next to them!! fuck yes!! oww oww!! everyone was like can we have her? and jason was like no i said it first lmao!! then more chilling and talking!! then shit happened with ppl callin james and shit went down!...then more drinking for me and then i had jeremy make mac and cheese!! lmao!! it was good shit even if it wasn't kraft lol! he cooked mostly the whole time with me on his back with my beer lmao! funny shit!! then ate and talked with steph in the hallway (tryin to not pass out lol)..then talking to neil in the hallway with more mac! then inside and took a vodka shot by myself as everyones passed out and steph and i laid with jeremy! i actually got a lil bit of sleep for once but not much!! we left at 8! then home and then worked and then shit happened then more shit and now here !! so hit me up i love you all whom i love! cell it!
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