Woot 2007!! :D

Jan 01, 2007 14:21


Of course, I gained some weight. @,@ It began with the Krispy Kremes (it's your fault, Beloved!!! :P :P :P), then a deluge of goodies from one gathering to another. My jeans were fitting me well already! Ack!! :o

December has been a happy one. :) It has been fruitful, productive and filled with hope (and FOOD!!!!!!). I received holiday greetings from long-lost friends, and even had a high school reunion, albeit a small (but very comfortable) one. I was also glad my Beloved was able to go. He rocks. :X

Anyhoo, here I am a tad envious of Rej and Oneal because they were able to go to Pasadena for the Rose parade. She's already written something about it in her blog. :)

2007 has finally dawned upon us. No, I will not be blabbering forth litanies about the obstacles, glories, etc etc about the year to come (though of course, we're wishing that it will be a better year for all of us); nevertheless, I will share my preliminary list of resolutions for the new year. I'm sure some blogs will be listing down resolutions as well, so I might as well jump into the bandwagon wehehehehehe.

Resolutions 2007

1. Be more productive and hardworking
2. Be nicer to the people whom I love and who love me
3. Be more compassionate with myself in order to be more compassionate with others
4. Patience, padawan! @,@
5. Wear more colors (again, your fault, Beloved! *cackle*).
6. Eat meat. (Reading it is one thing. ACtually seeing me do it is another. Yay me. Again, your fault O Beloved!!!!! You kasi eh!!! Hehehehe)
7. Slim down. I wanna be hawt. I wanna glow. I wanna be the prettiest elf next Con!! Ah the vanity!!! (Rej, for once, you ARE contagious. Darn you WOMAN!!!! :P :P :P)
8. Be more chipper. And take others with me. (oh no!!!)
9. Will try my best to remain active in NWA (and Fandomcafe) despite not being able to attend weeknight meetings because of work far from the usual meeting places.
10. Just ooze with love and happiness as much as I can.

Half of these I already began in the latter part of December. It's maintaining all these that'll be tricky, but definitely not impossible! ~.^ I'll need lots of support and encouragement, and I thank those who have been and continue to give me such. :)

I'll be posting this away now. Wish me luck with endeavors listed above, and I wish you luck with yours. May we have a joyful and prosperous year ahead! So say we all! :D

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