(no subject)

Jan 27, 2007 13:35

Stolen from bramblekite: What's Your Love Type?

Your Love Type: ESFJ

The Caregiver In love, you are very giving. You give your sweetie a lot of special attention.
For you, sex should be warm and intimate... a way to give and share love. Overall, you are upbeat, kind, and affectionate.
However, you tend to also be a bit needy and manipulative at times. Best matches: ISFP or INFP
I think this is pretty accurate except for the upbeat part.

Just sitting here wondering what to do with my 3 day weekend. N and I can't go away this weekend because he has too much work to doo. As usual. So i am trying to plan out how much time i want to study my education materials and the details of the rest of my life or at least the next few months. I appreciate having a job and getting to help people in some form each day, but I can't keep talking about leaving it- I have to take action to change the path that has worn me out. And since it looks like having kids is not going to happen any time soon, I am going to focus on my career and my health.

A bright spot is that I think I am going to take bellydancing classes. I so want to *move* again regardless of my weight and self-consciousness. I have let so many things go just waiting and waiting for things to happen to me. Not so wise. Must take action. Thanks to 
onyxlynxx's friend 
kulilinei for sharing the info!

It is such a beautiful day and I want to go walking. But where? Maybe Central Park. And I think I will leave the guilt of doing so behind.

Neat link I found with a full days of time lapse video of a parking lot.


Here's to a peaceful weekend.

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