Mar 01, 2013 19:30

Goal: 20 movies. Did it!

I started this month off with a mini Louis Garrel movie spree. I figured, I want to watch more french movies. I've already watched and enjoyed two of his movies, why not more?! I watched Inside Paris first, which was good. It's about brothers and family and depression and stuff.

La belle personne, aka The Beautiful Person, aka well that escalated quickly. It's about a pervy teacher who pervs on a student. It's based off of a french novel according to wikipedia. She ends up leaving the city because ~their love~ is too strong. Or he's just a creep.

Imagine that you're a young man. You go out for a fun night with your mom and her bff. While in the taxi your mom's bff fingers your ass and you decide it's a good idea to lick her fingers clean. Ma Mere! ..............yup.

Aw, Warm Bodies. It was cute! Cute. Funny. Cute.

So my friend is all, "Hey hey loverboy you have to watch this movie." That's how I ended up watching Frakenfish, which is, surprisingly, not that bad! A classic example of B horror done right.

While previously mentioned friend is still over we decide to watch some more amazing cinema. C.H.U.D. What does it stand for? Canibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. It's amazing.

To finish off the movie night with my friend we watched Clue. I've seen it before and it's just as good the second time around! Better, even. If you haven't watched it you should. Go. Do it. Now.

To help increase my documentary count I watched The Hollywood Complex. It was good but also fairly sad. I'm glad I never tried to become an actor.

Silver Linings Playbook showed me that if you have enough money and influence an Oscar can be yours! Now, it wasn't a bad movie. It was good. I enjoyed it. But it definitely does not deserve all the hype it's getting.

My biggest dissapointment of the month was Butter, mostly because I thought from the trailer that it'd be another Little Miss Sunshine. But it wasn't as quirky as I hoped it'd be! Still a fun movie, as fun as a movie about butter carving can be.

Wild Tigers I Have Known. Yawn.

I tried to watch XXY a few months ago but had to stop during a certain scene. I rewatched it and it's a really good movie, but it's really, idk, it's a downer. This is not a feel good movie at all.

Womb was a good movie. Weird, slightly uncomfortable, but good.

Kaboom was a bad movie. The world explodes at the end. I'm serious. It does. Kaboom. ...Teehee aren't they clever?

As far as gay hustler movies go, Our Paradise is probably the best I've seen.


Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

Hansel & Gretel

Les Misérables
Same Same But Different
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