(no subject)

Mar 16, 2006 21:25

So who wants to enter the LSU Sidewalk Chalk Festival Competition with me? I have no idea what I want to do for it or anything but hell, could win 100 bucks and it's something to do on a Sunday morning.

In other slightly more depressing news...
I had to go back to the doctor today because my tests from the last visit showed some abnormal cell growth. They initially were just going to take a closer look but when he did, he found some suspicious spots and had to do a biopsy. Good results could be that it's just a virus. Bad results could be the early stages of cervical cancer. I won't know until Monday.

So this has just been the week to end all bad weeks I guess. Lose a job I love and dealing with the fact that I might have cancer.

On the very upside...(Ya think I'd leave y'all depressed like THAT?)
Tuesday after I got fired, Cole, one of the Chimes's many attractive bus boys, called me up to express his sadness of me being "let go" and he offered to not only kill Doug and his whole family but to make me comfort food and let me vent. I brought him along to Torii's show, turns out he's interested in art and photography. He socialized with everyone and I think really made a splash. I was worried he'd be shy and awkward but he wasn't. Afterwards we went to Starbucks and he told me that he still wants to cook for me and hang out. I think we hit it off really well. Hopefully this will lead to something good. I really need something good right about now.
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