
Dec 22, 2014 14:00

Year-end fic review! This year was... disappointing??? Idk, I don't have regrets per se, it would just be nice to have written more, but alas.

Honeymoon Phase (Jun/Nino - 2127)
hey, I just met you, and this is crazy (AU - Ayaka/Keiko - 1694)
for ninoexchange: Sweet Like Hunny (AU - Ohmiya friendship, background Shoneen - 5478)
for ninoexchange: Hung up on (AU - Nino/Jun/Ohno - 11594)
The Best Policy (AU - Jun/Nino preslash - 2224)
for kitto_slutparty: ☆ Hey, Super Soul! ☆ (AU - OT5 - 6605 words)
A Hurting Thing (AU - gen - 5577)
tomorrow is still waiting for us (AU - gen - 416)

I also posted this Modelpair ficlet but I actually wrote it like two years ago.

→ So that's eight fics for a total word count of 35,715; both of those numbers are roughly half of last year's.

→ I also did only half the exchanges! Pinched for NinoEx again which was EXCELLENT. I don't know if I'm gonna do Slutparty next year, only because (if all goes well) it'll be my first semester of Big Girl School, but if NinoEx is running again I will definitely be there for that. Fun, fun, fun. ♥

→ It didn't occur to me even once throughout the year, but I see now that... almost all of these are AU??

→ And the only non-Arashi people I wrote were Keiko and Ayaka???? Another way of putting it: I contributed two more Ayaka fics to the world this year. :'D

→ Finally finally added Yama to the list of pairings I've written. I'm counting Hey, Super Soul! because they're the main pairing even though it's technically OT5. Now all I'm missing is Sakuraiba!!

→ A Hurting Thing and its addendum are the only things I wrote this year that weren't for a meme or an exchange, although the idea for it came from the list of AUs I was thinking up for Otherworlds. I worked really hard on it and really enjoyed writing it, and it got ... pretty much the reaction I was expecting, i.e. not very much of one. I can't blame people for not being interested in it though; it has a lady no one really knows, it's gen, it's darkfic in a bright sparkly rainbow-colored fandom, etc etc. Yet I'm still thinking of doing some DVD-style commentary for it, even though I'm 99.99% sure no one would read that, but at least then there will be a record of my thought process so that years later when I look back at it and think, "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS," I'll have somewhere to look for answers.

→ Favorite fic: Hung up on, the 11.5k pinch hit!! I don't think there's any fic of mine that I love without caveats, and this fic has lots of caveats, but the things I love are things that I really, really love.


→ Writing goals for 2015: Write at least as many words as I did this year. Write Sakuraiba. Write more Juntoshi and/or pairings that aren't Matsumiya (NOT THAT I HAVE ANY REGRETS ABOUT WRITING MATSUMIYA, EVER). Write at least one new fandom (Voyager? Vixx?).

→ Wild meme appeared! Ask a question about a character, pairing, world, or fic I wrote in 2014 and I'll answer it, OR pick a selection from one of my 2014 fics and I'll do some DVD-style commentary on it.

Crossposted here on Dreamwidth. You can comment there anonymously or using OpenID. ♥

a wild meme appears!, fic

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