Happy New Year and stuff!
Maybe some day I will update on real-life things, idk, mostly it's Arashi and hockey and crying. Nothing too fancy. In the meantime, YEAR-END FIC REVIEW FOR THE WIN.
In 2013 I wrote fourteen stories, plus some little drablets! Holy fic exchange, Batman!! Pretty much all Arashi, almost all explicit, no surprises there, but with a delightful array of new and familiar pairings. Here they are, in order of date written:
i've come down with something (Ohmiya - 1,056)
Two Inches or a Yard (Jun/Sho - 3,489)
Himitsu (Jun/Sho - 805)
at the nape of your neck (AU - Nino/Jun - 2,872)
Tramps Like Us (Hana Yori Dango + Kimi wa Petto - Domyouji/Momo - 6,226)
Trying Something New (Nino/Jun - 1,137)
Melts in Your Mouth (Jun/Ohno - 2,630)
for ninoexchange:
Storybook Romance (AU - Shoneen - 10,390)
for ninoexchange:
Maneki (AU - gen with Inoue Mao - 3,669)
Come Here Anytime (Aiba/Jun - 10,561)
for je_fqfest:
Your Love, Your Love, Your Love Is My Drug (Jun, Sho, and Kitagawa Keiko in every combination - 9,375)
for je_otherworlds:
Something Strange in Your Neighborhood (Keiko/Sho-flavored gen - 8,242)
for kitto_slutparty:
Head Shoulders Knees and Toes (Aiba/Arashi - 3,437)
for je_fqfest: a fic I will come back and add in after reveals if I remember
plus some
one-sentence drablets (various fandoms and pairings, total 258)
Not counting the (Get) Off Season ficlet for FQ-Fest, that's a total of 64,147 words!!!!!!! I realize that's barely more than what some people write for NaNoWriMo, but for me that's A FUCKING LOT.
Things of note:
→ Look at all that Sakumoto! I'm particularly happy with this because they're one of my 3TPs and yet the only other fic I've written for them is pretty ridiculous and not even all that porny.
→ Only two Matsumiya fics???? I feel like I spent literally (LITERALLY) the entire year (LITERALLY THE ENTIRE YEAR) thinking about those two having sex with each other so I'm not really sure how all of that thinking produced one real fic and one sort of half-fic??
→ AND ONLY ONE JUNTOSHI??????????? But gosh, what a Juntoshi it is.
→ First time writing Shoneen and Modelpair!! And they're both such great fics. Storybook Romance was sooo much fun to write, and Come Here Anytime is probably my favorite from this year. Dear friends: if you are going to read one fic by me, please read that one, yes good. Other firsts from this year: First Mao-chan! First Keiko in a starring role -- two, in fact! First dude/lady/dude threesome! First Jun/Jun drama crossover pairing! First time pinch-hitting fic (since I did some pinch-hit art back in Sailor Moon fandom)! And look at all that kink!!
→ Four exchanges, what!!!!! Here is more on that: I signed up for four exchanges one right after the other because I am ridiculous, and I think it would have gone really well, actually, except then we moved and everything was terrible and suddenly I was depressed and apathetic and cried a lot, and finishing those last two fics was reeeaaally really difficult. So, to astrangerenters: I'm sorry, I'm so very sorry, I am SO very truly sorry that this year of all years was the year you got me three times, I had such grandiose plans for your Otherworlds fic but it was just impossible, please forgive me and I hope all the other exchange fics you got were really amazing.
→ Pick a selection from one of my 2013 fics and I'll do some DVD-style commentary on it!
→ Pick a character I wrote in one of my 2013 fics and I'll tell you three to five things I keep in mind when writing that character!
→ If you can think of something else to do or ask me to do with a fic I wrote last year, sock it to me!!
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