Apr 01, 2004 22:35
Wow good stuff......This shall be my last entry kindda short huh? Well apparently people are in my business, well not really but people misunderstand things and accuse me of bullshit things and i really dont wanna write anymore because its kindda fucked up how u anticipate someone failure especially in a relationship. I dont care what u say but u did. And fuck all you haters, because you dont know... And i put it on gOd, if someone talks shit about me "caitlins friends" behind my back especially people i dont know, i swear imma literally kill them. I seriously dont care anymore why care?? so suck my ======>.....haha its kindda funny dont ya think, i was trying to hide me user name yet i dibertly told @ least 3 ppl that were associated with caitlin... funny stuff....or how about the whole savanna thing....It was old nothing happen not a kiss a hug we didnt even go anywhere or talk @ school......just hi and bye basis she knew what was up now were friends.........anyways give it up but whatever....Trust haha i laugh @ trust.. faith I laugh @ faith...... im gone....Its been real thanx 4 reading and thanx 4 hurting me where it hurts more than the ying yang my heart.......
NERD- i will not lose........................