Underground slang
Prostitution slang~
The Game~
Rather than 'daddy', Fubuki has his stable refer to him as... shishou. Thanks, Manjoume.
He went off into the Underground after episode 65 to rescue Ryou, and pretended to be a pimp to infiltrate that world.
But he didn't succeed, and the Underground killed something inside of him.
Why bother with love when you could have senseless hedonism?
His charms, as it turned out, were quite well suited to the role of a pimp. He was kind. Trustworthy. He made people think the business was about love and glamor. He was very, very good at talking duelists into working for him. In his own head, he rationalizes his art as a very gratifying form of matchmaking. Everyone needs someone - if only for an hour at a time.