(no subject)

Sep 11, 2006 12:34

ok its legit update time.

school: marquette is...marquette. its great for some people, and for me, right now, it sucks. i'm not homesick (god only knows i dont miss that) but i'm sick of being here. because of some events (which may or may not be explained later in this post) i have limited other places to go. it sucks. my classes are dumb yet time consuming. i have to write papers about hard shit, yet the papers themselves are easy to write. on top of all that, and maybe the real problem, is my lack of motivation. because i dont particularily want to be here, i'm not really doing what i should be. like homework. i'm takling to people and literally going to fucking buy adderol because i cannot focus long enough to read fucking five pages of a damn textbook. i dont buy drugs. its not a kosher thing i do.

boyfriend: yeah he's amazing. yeah i love him way too much for me to even explain. if all goes well we're gonna go to college together. this means leaving marquette. i put school first so you can all see, leaving mu is NOT A SACRIFICE FOR ME. its simply a way to explore other things, and if josh is going to explore too, why not explore together?

boyfriend's mother: caught me and boyfriend doing things that you really dont want a mother to catch you doing. i'm a "dirty whore".

boyfriend's friends: god willing, will not read this. boyfriends friends do not like me because i "stole" boyfriend.

note: i have "speaking" written on my hand. i dont know what in gods name that means, but i'm pretty sure its important.

roommate: is the best thing about marquette. she's a sweetheart and i love her dearly.

current issues: 1. is boyfriend's mom and whole issue there. im not supposed to go to his house anymore, but he can't come here as often as i need him to for my fucking sanity. 2. is because i'm on so fucking many meds right now my body hates me and allows me to eat only sometimes, but when i do you better fucking watch out cause i own the food court.  3. is the fact that birth control makes you gain weight, and i'm experiencing said event first hand. 4. is that i havent gone home for more than a couple hours yet, and i dont know if i want to, but i know my brother and sister miss me. 5. is that i'm fucking dirt poor and i have no time to get a job, mainly because of school and my boring yet time consuming classes.  6. is that boyfriend now doubts whether or not he's good enough for me because of things friends/moms have said. 7. is that i am generally unhappy.

this is turning into a very emo post.

but a funny story:

there are two girls who live down the hall- jaclyn and natalie. they're SO sweet and i heart them very much. they were trying to install jaclyn's printer onto natalies computer, and natalie couldn't do it. jaclyn was just like, oh i'll uninstall it and then try again. sooo she did. and she gets all these install screens very easily...so she's asking natalie "did you see any of these?" and natalie's very confused and she says "no! how did you get there!" and jaclyn says "well you just hit install. you hit install right?" and nat says "i dont know, i hit the first one. uni-stall i think it was."


also commonly known as uninstall.


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