♥ Prompting - Post each prompt in a separate comment to this post in the format, 'Pairing(s), prompt, maximum rating'. For example, 'Gwen/Morgana, waterfall, up to R'.
♥ Fanfiction/Art- Post your fanfiction/art in a reply to the prompt comment, either in the comment itself or as a link to your journal. The comment should be titled, 'Pairing(s), prompt, rating'.
♥ Squeeing - You are all of course allowed to *squee* in response to fanfiction, even if you are not the original prompter. In fact I actively encourage you to do so.
♥ All fanfiction must contain Merlin femslash as the primary pairing but other pairings can be included.
♥ All ratings are accepted
♥ No bashing of characters, actresses or writers and that goes for fic writers and fanfiction itself.
♥ No posting other than prompts and fanfiction/art, except in response to a prompt or fanfiction.
♥ Anonymous posting is switched on so you can both prompt and fill anonymously if you want to do so.
♥ RPF is allowed
The ficathon will run from 24/08/2011 to 01/11/2011. I have purposely given a wide time period to allow maximum participation as I know a lot of people (including me) still have summer holidays to come.
Feel free to promote this everywhere and anywhere! And of course, have fun!