So yeah.

Oct 12, 2010 17:45

October has been an awesome month so far, I hope I don't jinx it...

NYCC was aaaawesome, though completely exhausting. Got to meet a LOT of my favorite artists and got a lot of really great feedback. I know I'm really not too active online anymore, but it's good to know that people still know and recognize my stuff when I'm at cons. I dream of the days when I have time to be on AIM and do my own sort of stuff for dA and shit like that. Any time I've had for my own art has been spent doing food comics for the blog, which has already started to pay off BIG TIME. With like, complimentary meals and job offers o_o;;; Anyway, food in NYC is amazing and pretty much what I spent most of my money on (damn you Dean and Deluca!)

Also, today I turn a quarter of a century old. At 25, I'm not exactly where I want to be in life, but not disappointed about anything either. I'm working for a great publisher, am talking to an even bigger one about an up coming project, and live with someone I love very much (I did get a ring today, BTW ;D... a very pretty opal).
I just need to get my whole work pace amped up and learn how to save money and I'll be an adult for reals!
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