So there was a secret on fandomsecrets today about how Tyzula shippers were worse than Zutarians because they bash on Azula het ships. Basically
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Before I became active in the fandom, I was under the impression that Azula was asexual, and for the exact reasons you state: her ambition, her lack of interest in anything outside of her goals, her relative apathy, etc. ... I was surprised when the idea was dismissed so readily. When I posed such a prospect on a once-popular Avatar forum -- back when it was still popular -- I recall only one person appearing to agree with me. The rest pretty much said it wasn't possible ( and just so happened to be comprised of a majority of het!Azula-lovers ).
This perceived asexuality was actually the reason I began liking her in the first place! ( That, and I'm a sucker for villains; always have been. ) I saw a teenager who wasn't interested in relationships... just as I wasn't. To this day, I identify as asexual. And, to some degree, I still believe Azula is inherently asexual.
On the other hand, slashing her opens up a world of possibilities that hadn't existed before: a new way for her to manipulate and exert dominance. She would then be considered a homo-romantic asexual ( even though it wouldn't be a romantic relationship, that's the phrasing used to describe such a person ). She would use the other person's feelings against them in much the same way she did before, detaching herself from them on a personal level. If she were to have sex, it would be to exact control, not to connect or share herself with the unfortunate person. She could still be asexual while doing this, because some asexuals do have sex, but it's not something they seek for the bonding experience. ( In many real cases, these asexuals unfortunately feel obligated to. ) It would be a power-play. She would never think to do it for any other reason, because the physical act itself would hold no real interest to her. It's purely a means of dominance.
I do understand your reasoning that her asexuality and manipulative nature could, in theory, blind her to gender as a whole. I still think her more positive interactions with women would lead her to seek them out, but point taken, acknowledged, and respected.
P.S.: It took willpower not to come back at "her mother's relationship with her wasn't romantic". ;D Then again, the "romanticism" would start from Azula's end, anyway.
Part of people's reluctance to take that interpretation of her character into consideration is probably her tendency to seem sexual. That and way too many people pretend asexuality doesn't exist. The problem with that is that they forget they're looking through their eyes - just because we see a character that way doesn't mean they are. (Like Aang being a little shota uke.)
Hmm...well, part of my thoughts on whether or not she would tend towards women has to do with the actual gender roles in the Fire Nation. Things seem on equal playing ground, so her dominating a man or a woman wouldn't really make much difference. She may tend more towards women, but the thing is she would be having sex for the mental control. Physically, of course Azula can dominate just about anyone. Mentally...maybe not so much. Because of this emphasis (I personally) put on the mental side, I don't know that she would be concerned with the body.
I guess what I mean is that, I can see Azula seeking relationships with women more readily. It was her mother who she wanted a connection with, and her being female could overlap into Azula's future companions - subconsciously, having other women connect with her like that would be more satisfying. When it comes down to the actual sex - or to going through the motions of using someone's affections for her - it wouldn't really matter to her if they were a man or woman. Hearing a woman confess her love for her would be more satisfying than a man, though. Either way, it's worship and a potential pawn for her use.
It's less her asexuality (because I know that asexuals can, of course, categorize as hetero/bi/homosexual) than it is her blanket desire to control. I do see where you're coming from, and agree with you, basically - just not 100%. :)
It was hard not to make a note about her!
I love talking to you about this kinda stuff so much.
It's admittedly pretty easy to see Azula as sexual, because it's such an exacting means of control. She delves as deeply as possible when inflicting pain, searching for the most personal route. And things don't come much more personally than sexually.
Pretending asexuality doesn't exist is, from my observation, rooted in the rejection of the incomprehensible. People can't imagine being asexual; therefore, it "isn't real". I can assure you that we're not soulless husks without passion. "Asexuality doesn't exist" is such a blanket statement, much like the beginnings -- and, sadly, in some respects, continuation -- of homophobia. It's the intolerance of someone "different". Taking time to understand others would not only broaden horizons on a personal level, but on a societal level as well. I know it's too much to ask, though. Seems many people look for the easy answer. ( Also, LOL @ Aang being a little shouta uke. Are they talking about the same Aang from The Headband? ;) Sure, his personality is more passive and gregarious, but he knows how and when to take charge, too! )
You make an interesting case with the Fire Nation's gender roles.
"It was her mother who she wanted a connection with, and her being female could overlap into Azula's future companions - subconsciously, having other women connect with her like that would be more satisfying."
^This fact definitely plays into my view that Azula fancies women. With a woman, it's possible for her to attain that failed connection. It wouldn't replace Ursa, of course, but it would help to fill some of that void -- a motherly figure like Katara, in particular. What do you suppose would've happened if Azula had seen Katara in her Fire Nation disguise? Katara's hairstyle bore an unmistakable resemblance to Ursa's, after all!
I see where you're coming from, too -- and, though we may not agree 100%, "basically" works! :D
It's not too late to give into temptation... >;)
You do? Really? We'll need to talk about it more often! I'd enjoy it, too.
Before I became active in the fandom, I was under the impression that Azula was asexual, and for the exact reasons you state: her ambition, her lack of interest in anything outside of her goals, her relative apathy, etc. ... I was surprised when the idea was dismissed so readily. When I posed such a prospect on a once-popular Avatar forum -- back when it was still popular -- I recall only one person appearing to agree with me. The rest pretty much said it wasn't possible ( and just so happened to be comprised of a majority of het!Azula-lovers ).
This perceived asexuality was actually the reason I began liking her in the first place! ( That, and I'm a sucker for villains; always have been. ) I saw a teenager who wasn't interested in relationships... just as I wasn't. To this day, I identify as asexual. And, to some degree, I still believe Azula is inherently asexual.
On the other hand, slashing her opens up a world of possibilities that hadn't existed before: a new way for her to manipulate and exert dominance. She would then be considered a homo-romantic asexual ( even though it wouldn't be a romantic relationship, that's the phrasing used to describe such a person ). She would use the other person's feelings against them in much the same way she did before, detaching herself from them on a personal level. If she were to have sex, it would be to exact control, not to connect or share herself with the unfortunate person. She could still be asexual while doing this, because some asexuals do have sex, but it's not something they seek for the bonding experience. ( In many real cases, these asexuals unfortunately feel obligated to. ) It would be a power-play. She would never think to do it for any other reason, because the physical act itself would hold no real interest to her. It's purely a means of dominance.
I do understand your reasoning that her asexuality and manipulative nature could, in theory, blind her to gender as a whole. I still think her more positive interactions with women would lead her to seek them out, but point taken, acknowledged, and respected.
P.S.: It took willpower not to come back at "her mother's relationship with her wasn't romantic". ;D Then again, the "romanticism" would start from Azula's end, anyway.
Hmm...well, part of my thoughts on whether or not she would tend towards women has to do with the actual gender roles in the Fire Nation. Things seem on equal playing ground, so her dominating a man or a woman wouldn't really make much difference. She may tend more towards women, but the thing is she would be having sex for the mental control. Physically, of course Azula can dominate just about anyone. Mentally...maybe not so much. Because of this emphasis (I personally) put on the mental side, I don't know that she would be concerned with the body.
I guess what I mean is that, I can see Azula seeking relationships with women more readily. It was her mother who she wanted a connection with, and her being female could overlap into Azula's future companions - subconsciously, having other women connect with her like that would be more satisfying. When it comes down to the actual sex - or to going through the motions of using someone's affections for her - it wouldn't really matter to her if they were a man or woman. Hearing a woman confess her love for her would be more satisfying than a man, though. Either way, it's worship and a potential pawn for her use.
It's less her asexuality (because I know that asexuals can, of course, categorize as hetero/bi/homosexual) than it is her blanket desire to control. I do see where you're coming from, and agree with you, basically - just not 100%. :)
It was hard not to make a note about her!
I love talking to you about this kinda stuff so much.
Pretending asexuality doesn't exist is, from my observation, rooted in the rejection of the incomprehensible. People can't imagine being asexual; therefore, it "isn't real". I can assure you that we're not soulless husks without passion. "Asexuality doesn't exist" is such a blanket statement, much like the beginnings -- and, sadly, in some respects, continuation -- of homophobia. It's the intolerance of someone "different". Taking time to understand others would not only broaden horizons on a personal level, but on a societal level as well. I know it's too much to ask, though. Seems many people look for the easy answer. ( Also, LOL @ Aang being a little shouta uke. Are they talking about the same Aang from The Headband? ;) Sure, his personality is more passive and gregarious, but he knows how and when to take charge, too! )
You make an interesting case with the Fire Nation's gender roles.
"It was her mother who she wanted a connection with, and her being female could overlap into Azula's future companions - subconsciously, having other women connect with her like that would be more satisfying."
^This fact definitely plays into my view that Azula fancies women. With a woman, it's possible for her to attain that failed connection. It wouldn't replace Ursa, of course, but it would help to fill some of that void -- a motherly figure like Katara, in particular. What do you suppose would've happened if Azula had seen Katara in her Fire Nation disguise? Katara's hairstyle bore an unmistakable resemblance to Ursa's, after all!
I see where you're coming from, too -- and, though we may not agree 100%, "basically" works! :D
It's not too late to give into temptation... >;)
You do? Really? We'll need to talk about it more often! I'd enjoy it, too.
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