What the freck is thissss? My work schedule shifts (oh did I mention my work schedule shifted) so that I can actually stay up a little later than usual and everyone suddenly DISAPPEARS at 10:30 what is this? :( GUYS YOU CAN COME BACK ON AIM NOW, I WILL BE UP FOR ANOTHER HOUR AND A HALF
So I had myself a pretty action-packed weekend. That is indeed the term for it: packed with action. Half of it was spent battling my bank and the other half spent drinking and decided to see impromptu movies (not at the same time). On Friday (after a HELLISH day) I went over to White Plains to hang out with Josh and Jim and we went out to a really awesome bar called the Lazy Boy Saloon that has something like thirty beers on tap, and not like Coors and shit, locally brewed stuff like blueberry ale and hard pear cider. They had a sampler offer of five half-size beers for ten bucks, so I got to try a bunch, and they were all awesome. So I was a trifle foxed you might say, and then we went to another bar where I followed it up with two Blue Moons and I was done. On the walk back to the apartment I fell into a bush. It was awesome.
On Saturday I was mildly hung over and mostly really exhausted, so apart from battling some more with my bank I stayed home and caught up on tags.
This morning did not start out well. .__. Earlier in the week I had found and killed a stinkbug in my room (the biggest, ugliest motherfucking beetles they are) and this morning I woke up to TWO. TWO OF THE FUCKERS. IN MY ROOM. I killed them both and then wept for my trauma. I don't even want to go to sleep tonight for fear that I'm going to wake up to MORE of them tomorrow. But later in the day I went over to the mall and decided on a whim to see District 9, which I very much enjoyed. I really rather adored Christopher Johnson and his ilk. Then I came home and made a Wikus journal, which I will never use anywhere, though it's fun to imagine him in
xi_rpg being all I CAN'T FOOKING TEACH CLASSES, LOOK AT MY FOOKING ARM and being fugitive friends with Bruce Banner and getting on Christopher Johnson's case all the time.
And that was my weekend.