Costumes and other things

Nov 08, 2006 21:39

So, here's my favorite pics of the kids. They make some awfully cute Skywalkers.

Luke and Leia posing (see, Leia has a tiny gun)

DS is more of a poser in this one.

I thought I did a bang up job on this.  His pants I didn't do, they were the bottom to another costume, but had the boot look, so that was good.  I made the top pattern up and had to size DD's costume from a size 7 to a 3, but in the end, it was so fun to put on and go trick or treating in.  And warm for the kids too, that was awesome.

Call me Super Mom! (I actually have a t-shirt that says that, and one day, at the park, when I was wearing the shirt, all the kids on the playground started calling me Super Mom! Talk about ego boost)

Or maybe Wonder Woman.

The pics are really fun, I am thinking of trying out doing my first graphically dolled up LJ icon.  Watch for some star wars related icons starring the munchkins.
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