Dear Adeline,
During the five months that we have been stuck together in the hellish company brought us closer as very good friends. Having you beside me in that pan-demonic company makes it bearable.
I was glad that you stick with me during those months even though you regretted that you have accompanied me in that company. I am glad that you stood beside me and never have left me when you were tempted to do so.
There are many things that I am glad for and what topped my list is that we became closer. I had the opportunity to know you better and with that, I was so thankful for. I have a long list to thank you about: for believing in me, for trusting me with your fears and your happiness, and for the friendship that you have given me.
I wish we could be co-workers again; but I don't know if that would even be possible as we will be taking our own journey with different paths. I just want you to know that I'll always be here. Nothing would ever change. If you need someone to lean on I'll always be around. You did not fail me before and I would not fail you now or ever.
I know I have list down what I am glad and thankful for but that doesn't mean that I don't feel sad. Honestly, while I was in the bus going home from my "last day" of work I was filled with sadness as I know that will be the last day I'll spend with you. Thinking about made me realize how much I will miss our friendship.
Adz, I may be happy for a lot of things but I am sad for so many ... I am sad that we're going in different ways now. I am sad because we will no longer have our "sentimental" mode in the office. I am sad that we can no longer horse around in the office not minding if we're going to be scolded. I am sad that I will never know when I can tap your hand and tell you that everything will be alright.
Life may take us in different journey but you have me as a friend. Forever.
I'll miss you, and see you soon my friend.
You friend,
Leah. :)