second tilt ♛ video/action for cherrygrove

Oct 20, 2011 21:56

[ The feed clicks on to an agitated and slightly damp-looking Arthur, sitting on a crate beside the Pokémart in Cherrygrove. ]

I'm told that the people of this region communicate using these devices.

[ He's also been told that he's a pretty good way from home, and that no one here cares if he's a prince, he's not leaving anytime soon. The fact that he doesn't ask any of the basic newcomer questions is a pretty good hint toward that. He does, however, have something to ask. ]

I'm afraid I'm in need of some advice.

[ A long, deliberate pause follows while Arthur struggles with a distasteful expression. ]

... Does anyone know how to milk a cow?

○video, →cherrygrove city, ☼afternoon

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