Lyrics When Moriah had married Ant, she had never thought there would come a day when she would have to be without him. To her, they would always be together. Forever. But she had been young and naive at the time, she hadn't understood yet that being in a relationship could actually be quite difficult, especially when you weren't really willing to settle down. They did commit to each other, even if he liked to look at other women and sometimes they both flirted with other people but it was always their bed that they want back to.
But there was no home, nowhere to put down a white picket fence or pretend that they had a fairy tale life. They kept moving and they kept traveling, it became stressful for them as they lived out of hotels and on planes. It started to lose its charm and they started taking it out on each other, fighting every time they even tried to talk it seemed. That didn't stop the love and the need for each other but after awhile it just wasn't enough anymore.
When he stormed out of their room for the last time, it had nearly killed her even if she thought it was the right thing to happen. That didn't mean it was something that she wanted to see because it wasn't, it destroyed her and then she was lost. She didn't know what to be without him around. There was no way it could be a clean break between them, they knew each other too well, a lot of who they were had been based off of the other person and so it was only right as well as bad that she felt like half of her was missing.
She tried to focus on other things in her life, tried to focus on her job and the music but nothing could save her from the fallout of losing him. Now she was losing her desire to do other things, more and more she wondered about him. More and more she was finding it hard to breath. She knew that she had to make a choice when she went to see him again.
They were going to have to either end it completely by signing the divorce papers or they were going to have to figure out a way to try again.