(note: this is long. feel free to skim or only read certain points!ve tried to organize it such that you can pick points of interest rather than reading tons of paragraphs all at once >__<)
Those of you who have been following me on livejournal for about a year may remember my last post on religion. It came after attending several sessions
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"I believe that it can be proven conclusively that an unborn child is a full-fledged member of the human race. And if, as most people believe, it is wrong to take the life of an innocent human being, abortion is wrong and should absolutely be illegal. To be honest, I think most INFORMED pro-choice activists are aware of this but simply choose to ignore the facts because it's very very inconvenient."
I agree with you that an unborn child is human, as much as anything unborn can be a member of the species to which it will eventually become. I mean, an egg is a chicken to some degree. And then, it also isn't.
I am definitely pro-choice, for first trimester abortions. I mean, I'm not saying I would ever be in a situation where I had to make that choice, I don't. But I do believe it is mine to make and what I do with my body is my own damn business. I don't agree that I choose to ignore that babies are human, I don't. In fact that's a big part of the reason why I use protection, but I mean, in the end if I don't want to have a baby I shouldn't have to. Also, babies in the first trimester aren't exactly full fledged humans, yet. They can't survive outside the womb at the time...
Idk, obviously I'm not trying to argue with you and I didn't look anything up to formulate this argument but to assume that pro-choicers are ignorant or selectively informed seems like it goes against what the rest of this post is about, and kind of judemental.
And the reason I'd say abortion is wrong is because isn't not just the mother's body--you have to consider the child, too.
Obviously, it's hard to make an absolute statement like this. Because, to be completely and unflatteringly honest, if I happened to be in the position of having an unwanted pregnancy I'd be lying if I said I'd want to have the baby. I'm a potential-killer hypocrite, okay, but that's the truth.
And lastly, my information about pro-choicers being selective about their information is based on what some of the leading pro-choice activists have said about their position.
I dunno, it's a tough issue, especially for women who could have to deal with the rammifications of the legislation. :/
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