Dec 08, 2008 11:58
Survey City
A is Age: 20
B is Beer of Choice: heineken i guess
C is career: art student
D is dog's name: butters
E is essential item you use every day: macbook
F is favorite TV show: mythbusters
G is favorite game: legend of zelda ocarina of time
H is hometown: chester, va
I is instrument you play: none, but i sing when i'm driving :P
J is for favorite juice: orange
K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: a couple people in my classes
L is last place you ate at: village cafe (for breakfast)
M is for marriage: to ian in a few years :)
N is for middle name: marie
O is for overnight hospital stay: never
P is people I was with today: ian, haven't left my apartment yet
Q is quote: only speak if it improves upon silence
R is biggest regret: missing this whole season of house
S is sex: yes please!
T is for time woke up today: 10:30am
U is underwear you have on right now: black, oh snaps
V is for vegetable you like: celery
W is for worst habit: lazy
X is x-rays: lungs, I had pneumonia once
Y is something yummy you ate today: crunchy raisin bran
Z is zodiac sign: pisces