(no subject)

Nov 07, 2005 20:33

the first person that i thought i loved did studies those who are autistic. She worked with people from the "Learning Tree," which is pretty much an orphanage for those who are autistic. One day we were talking, and I started w/ my philosophical bullshit that I love, and we came upon a discussion. She said this at the end of the discussion: if you were to place a autistic child in a room, by him/herself and only feed and give the child water and the proper medicines, they would die. I didn’t understand, so I asked why. She got on the internet and showed me this site that detailed the process but the end result is this: Without touch and communication autistic children could die.

That is something that we all take for granted and we take each other for granted. We go day in, day out thinking about what shirt to where, who called who a prick, who said what and who did what. Many people converse about this situation, but then there are the select few that do not. There are some that keep things built up and then explode about everything, there are those that keep things built up and explode about one certain things and then there are those that never explode, that never break down, but in turn and respect kill themselves.

We are living with the dead and we don’t even know it. A person can be themselves and release a little bit of passion out at a time. I write, every day. If I asked people if they wanted me to send them in a Message form a poem or one of my writings when I write them, I am almost positive no one would respond. But, if I said that I would write them to talk shit and bitch, I am pretty sure that everyone would comply. Which is total : royal bullshit. I am not saying I am excluded from those who are interested in a juicy piece about an argument once ever six weeks or so, it is entertaining at times, especially when you don’t know the person. But, its still fucked up, and there is still the fact that I shouldn’t be reading it because it doesn’t concern me. Take your time, and look through my blogs and find where I have said something mean about someone, talked shit or anything of the same significance. You won’t have to look far, there isn’t many blogs. But, please do, I love a few readers.

Another thing on the “We are living with the dead” plug, so many people use others to better benefit themselves. Whether it be a friend or not, people are in the business of using people everyday and that’s messed up. Do people not see how strange and fucked up it is that others degrade others to better benefit themselves? People blame shit on other people to get votes, people say things that are not true to give themselves truth. The truth is precious, the world is fucked up and we have to live in it. But, we are living and walking with people that are dead inside and we pass them by. “Refill Me With Life” good sir, b/c this world is parched with uncertainty and self neglect.

Take pride in yourself, you know? There is something out there for someone and everyone can be who they want to be no matter what. But, you can’t reserve your seat in the next opportunity. You have to apply yourself, work and understand that nothing in life is free and the stupid fucker Dave Matthews said it best “You pay for what you get.”

And I don’t think that people understand that, I think that a lot of people think they can get away with anything just because they were depressed, on their period, had post traumatic stress disorder, social anxiety or were just insain. But, the result is still the same, no matter what a person does, the product of there stupidity reins and you can’t take words back.

All the Saints and All the Children

I bought my tickets for the fireworks and I have been sitting in the electric chair all night. So light me up I have nothing to lose. This world is dead, the people are dead, I am dead. My body keeps on going but my soul has been gone for so long. We were alive at one time and we smoked and we drank and we snorted lines through thirty dollar bills and walked on the skylines at night, we were who we were and now we have to step back, drain the faith that we had from this abyss and realize that our lives were never really that fucked up we just had to make them seem like they were to make ourselves die a little fucking longer . Die a little slower.

-Nathan David Morris
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