Nov 08, 2004 16:13
yea that mother goose story of the hen who grew wheat, then grinded it, then prepared it, then baked it, had no help for any of that but when it came time to eating it everyone offered to help and she didn't let anyone have her bread. I say good for the hen!
Yea so im fudge'n pissed as hell!!!
Never will i do a group project again!
I was shafted...i wrote over a hundred lines of rhyming that summarized canterbury tale stories of the summoner's and the friar's tale...with no help after 16 lines
I had to stay up all night working by myself on a "group" project...missed im gonna be doing make up work and my work given tomorrow...and i only got a 1 and a 1/2 of sleep which my mom forced me to do(thank goodness for that)...YES 12 hours of typing up a group essay
-Red Bull is my savior
-im gonna retire from school
-im gonna move to canada
-ur probable not reading this so im just writing random crap down
-i have a cuban cigar in my pants
-Do you want to puff it?
-I'd like to thank meg for being an insomniac and helping me stay awake
-i cant wait till we get a bad grade on the paper that i worked my hardest and put my best effort into
-PR's are lazy and this robin can't fly away
-ISer's named chris left me
-some people are gonna get beat up
-i cant wait till 7...cause that when im gonna pass out
-How was ur day?
-And u probable just passed over this
-Jens party was tons of fun
-Danced up a storm then the good after party
-thats enough typing
-Do u want to read what i wrote
-Who do i like?(besides ur mom)
-Vicious Bryan/Cuban missile crises