Priestly tended to go a little extra scruffy in times of emotional stress. Especially ones like now, where he decided a good way to deal with it was to spend a long weekend out in a national park living in a tent and "communing with nature
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Because she's back home in New Gotham, and it's been longer than a week for her without talking to her BFF at this point.
"Perfect timing," Priestly answered, skipping right past any awkward with the ease of too much practice. "I just got home from my vision quest."
Hi to you too, Priestly.
"You didn't feel enlightened and made whole and one with the desert and the stars or anything? Awwwww. Maybe you should ask the toad for a refund."
Because New Gotham? Mostly had rocks.
She still wanted to know, right? He was pretty sure, but -- he'd tried to poison her.
And she just had a couple too many false memories, real memories, and nightmares leftover not to pace the floor when he was outside whatever world she was in. She was just kind of resigned to that by now.
"I will never have a problem with you," Priestly said. "Not you as a whole. I might not always like everything you do and say, but you're my Dinah." Somewhere, not even that far away, Momo was shrieking in delight. "That's not going to change. Even if your home town is deeply creepy."
"Ditto. Very ditto. Yaaaay. I'm so, so glad you're okay, did I mention that?" She was beaming at the phone now. "And yeah, New Gotham kinda is the poster child of urban insanity," Dinah admitted, although she was so used to it now, she never thought of leaving. But there was no denying that there was a lot of corruption, craziness, and just plain crime, and she was one of the people lucky enough to be able to dodge all that if she wanted to. "Which... there are cool parts! That, you know, I don't think we visited when you were just visiting, because we hit the tourist stuff. But it's not all the Narrows and the Arkham Asylum, so when you get back, maybe we could field-trip a bit?"
"That depends," Priestly said. "Is there a warm front expected? I have a new rule: if the temperature is lower than Ellen Degeneres' age, I'm not going outside."
Did you know Ellen just turned 57, Dinah? Did you?
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