Mar 28, 2004 18:10
Yesterday was a good day. For some reason unknown to man, I felt a lot better than I've felt in a long time. I saw Dawn of the Dead with mi amigos then went out with Julie. It was fun. We went to a steakhouse (of course I didn't eat beef...I had ribs) then played video games at my house. It was just pleasant. I was talking, laughing, and enjoying myself, which really felt good. Today wasn't the same. I have nothing to do. I'm bored out of my mind and going crazy. I went driving for a bit, bought another pair of PJs from Kohl's, looked at some cars and looked around Best Buy. All the meanwhile yearning to buy something or do something or have some fun, but no: ARIZONA SUCKS. As if you didn't know that already. Tucson'll be worse, yes, but at least I'm independent. Anybody wanna do anything with poor ole me?