Quick update before running off to see "Pericles" at the Shakespeare Theatre. Saw "The Incredibles" last night, and it was amazing. Much more adult than other Pixar films, but it seemed to work very well. Even Laura liked it, and she doesn't normally like Pixar movies.
Last night when I got back around 1:00 A.M., Danny and I started chatting. In my first ever LJ Cut, here's our convo:
Me: In Spain, they called me Senor Pimpitor
Danny: no they dont.
Danny: you're a liar.
Me: In Germany my name would be Heir Pimpinfruggin
Me: In Japan I'm known as Pimpawata san
Danny: you know what is a really sound investment?
Me: what?
Me: in France I've been called Monsieur Pimpphi
Danny: sonic and knuckles. for the price of one game, you got an all new sonic the hedgehog game and a way to modify two previous sonic the hedgehog games to create entirely new sonic the hedgehog enjoyment.
Me: good deal
Me: or you could not buy a Sega game, since they blow
Danny: i downloaded it.
Me: ah, good for you
Danny: and sega had its heyday.
Me: they were alright. even in the days of Genesis, they were a one-game system
Me: at most they had two games that were worth it out at any one time
Danny: thats not true.
Danny: there were plenty of good genesis games.
Me: compared to the SNES? Now you're just being argumentative. SEGA blows
Danny: the snes had some fine games and may indeed have been a better system, but in the long run, sega has programed better games than nintendo has.
Me: sub-par system, with a controller that comes only behind the original Xbox controller or the Atari Jaguar controller as shittiest ever
Danny: it was not subpar, it was lightyears ahead of snes.
Danny: thats why snes came out. . .thats why there is a console war today. because of the genesis.
Me: no dice, the Genesis was dead by 1995
Danny: because sega was staying on the edge of technology.
Danny: yes, eventually it blew up in their faces, but still.
Me: they tried to beat compete with the next-gen too early and blew their load on the Dreamcast
Danny: if not for the genesis, there would have been no snes.
Me: being on the edge of technology doesn't mean shit. look how long the original play-station was kicking. it lasted twice as long as any other system by the NES, and the reason was that they had a huge depth of games
Danny: the reason was that playstation became the sega-killer.
Danny: nintendo consoles have, and always will be, marketed to children.
Me: true enough
Danny: p[laystation is an adults console. . .that's what sega was trying to accomplish.
Me: I'm not gonna argue that right now Nintendo is way behind, and I'm not sure they will totally pull out of it, because they're doing the same crap that got Sega killed
Danny: and the dreamcast was a fine machine, but its hard to wash the stigma of something like the saturn from your companies thoughts.
Danny: playstation is the premiere console system. we should alljust bow down and welcome our new lords.
Me: Nintendo (and Sega) thought they could get by with only having good games being made in-house. that doesn't fly anymore
Danny: althoguh i maintain the PC is still better for gaming. . .a high end PC is unbeatable.
Me: at the moment, yeah, you're probably right
Danny: genesis had it's day. thats all im saying.
Me: I think I should buy a pinky ring
Me: genesis sucked
Danny: it was an important step in the video gaming world.
Me: so does Sega
Danny: what?
Danny: the RPG's for sega were superior to anything else being putout, except for chrono trigger, one of the best games ever.
Me: a pinky ring would make my pimpitude complete
Me: very true
Me: I would also say FFVII was pretty damn good
Danny: real pimps play sega.
Danny: the was PS.
Danny: that was PS, long after the 16 bit era.
Me: best game of the 16-bit era? besides chronotrigger, I would say A Link to the Past
Danny: it's good, but i do not think it is the best.
Danny: sonic the hedgehog did more important things that Link did.
Me: and another thing, the Genesis didn't have a "speed chip" like they advertised, the sprites on a Genesis game were no faster than on the SNES
Danny: fuck you.
Danny: blast processing was the most important development in videogame history.
Me: it was a bunch of horse shit
Danny: no.
Danny: i wont hear it.
Danny: you can shatter many childhood ideals for me, michael, but this is where i draw the line.
Danny: blast processing is my god.
Danny: im constantly amazed at how in-depth wikipedia goes sometimes
Me: I'm going to correct this entry
Danny: what entry?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blast_ProcessingDanny: fuck you, sir.
Danny: fuck you right up your ass.
Me: Sega blows
Danny: i cant believe you'd do this to me.
Me: I'm sorry man, you had to bring this Sega shit
Me: I won't have it
Danny: brb, ass fucker.
Me: k, cock breath
Danny: i have bad news for you.
Me: k
Me: I can take it
Danny: for dashing little danny devlin's hopes and dreams, you've been sentenced to a mushroom tattoo.
Me: that alright, from what I hear your dick has "blast processing"
Danny: hahahahahaha
Danny: touche.
Danny: it does, ironically, though.
Danny: according to rita, anyway.
Me: nice try. "blast processing" is a myth and so is your dick
Danny: no dice.
Me: I think I'm gonna become a corrupt lawyer
Danny: do it.
Danny: how can i help?
Me: I'm gonna need someone to falsify a lot of documents, and I might need to make a few judges disappear
Me: you're gonna need to become a master of disguise
Danny: okay.
Danny: done and done.
Danny: good things im an actor.
Me: yeah, it certainly helps
Me: I think I could make some serious bank
Danny: whats my cut?
Me: 10%, plus costs
Me: I also offer medical and dental
Me: you can't beat a corrupt attorney who offers dental
Danny: 20% and costs, with living and one meal a week, at a restaurant on my choosing, not to exceed $15.00
Me: 15%, your stipulations, and no dental
Danny: 25%, my stipulations, dental, but i stop making your mom jokes.
Me: no dice
Me: I'll just have you killed once I'm done with you
Danny: no.
Danny: by then i will have developed super powers.
Me: yeah, see you're joking here. I'm dead serious. I'm gonna be a lawyer on the take
Danny: no, im serious too.
Danny: hey, how about this.
Me: k
Danny: once i develop super powers, we blame that shit on microsoft and take them to court.
Danny: sue them for all they're worth.
Danny: i'll take 20%. you can have the other 80%. . .cause twenty per cent of that much is still a lot.
Me: and then have the judge award us ownership of microsoft and turn it even more evil
Me: alright, you can have 20% if the microsoft plan goes through, 15% is it doesn't but you do have super powers, and 10% if you totally blow the microsoft thing AND you don't develop super powers
Danny: done.
Me: deal
Me: I'll might give you a bonus if you promise to call me Michael Pimp Mullin, Esq.
Danny: that's asking a lot.
Danny: especially since i'll have the super abilities.
Me: eh, you're mom already calls me it whenever she and I are getting down
Danny: im going to bed.
Danny: see you later, player.
Me: night
Me: damn right
Be warned, if you're a fan of the old Sega Genesis than you should not read the chat.
Wishing you luck and love,