Oct 21, 2005 23:09
Im not sure??
well, life has been alright i guess this week has gone by fast but what
can i say that may just be this life .....
this very frusterating life!!!
everyday i wake up thinking?? im not sure what and why and i sit there
in class
trying to understand something out of this life.. and then that
question pops into my brian why am i here and what
being here sitting in this class room mean. We all have a life filled
with emition ,wants and our fears. Why where
we set here no body knows... what is life
and death and what is out there beond just this earth?Most of us dont
even think about it we dont care we might just be happy living as it is
. This is me just thinking too much as it is so i will just leave with
Im so confused right now
Over the years this has grown
My life is so full of feelings
And i just dont know what to do
Emotions of love and hate and wonder
Of betrayal and loss
Bolling within me
I seem to be alone
No on seems to care
Nobody stops to see how i am
I just sit there and stare.
Some try to hurt me within
But i know its just their game
All i need is someone to love
and to be loved back
because love is something
That most of us lack.