Still on the move..

Jul 16, 2008 20:27

The secret act for the show last week canceled, so it will remain a secret. I did get pictures of some of a couple of the other awesome music acts that night, found here. I didn't stay for ghost mice, I was too tired, and I didn't even get photos of all the bands. Sorry!

And, in case you've been under a rock and haven't already seen it, you should check out Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog.

Also, in case you need to waste some more time, look at this neat little game..

In other news, I've been trying to bike to Sauvie Island every week or two. A couple of these times, I've taken pictures.

vlogs, bikes, bicycles, shows, photos, games, links, nerdy shite, music, biking, bicycling

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