pedalpalooza has started, so there are more bikey events everyday that i'd like to than i actually can.
also, there's pirates.
here's the scoop for my friday:
- vegan pub ride: starting at the bye and bye, delicious.
- mmr: i haven't been on an mmr in months!
here's my plan for saturday:
- plunderathon: i think that if i skipped plunderathon, everyone at the gallery would kill me (probably by making me walk some sort of plan into a tan kof sharks) since some of the gallery associates (kaebel, dave, etc) organize plunderathon. also, i am told i will be carrying the flag at some point, so that's kind of awesome.
- wnbr: nakedness, for the win! will i be totally naked? probably not. don't get sassy, the motto is "as naked as you want to be."
what are your plans?