here are my tweets for today, so far...
- 19:04 one thing i love about portland is that it's totally a stop and pet the cats kind of city. #
- 19:06 i see people doing so all the time.. and there are quite a lot of cats to be pet. #
- 08:45 headaches, muscle aches and congestion.. yep, i'm sick. #
- 11:30 wow, just read an interesting article this morning: #
- 12:03 @ verymickey you're welcome. while using ex-gang members to prevent street crime is definitely old hat.. #
- 12:03 (in boston there was a really successful project called operation ceasefire in the 90s that had miraculous results.. #
- 12:04 utilizing streetworkers closer in age as mediators plus feds and social workers, whereas ceasefire in chicago only utilizes streetworkers), #
- 12:04 the concept of treating urban violence as a virus is incredibly new and interesting. #
- 12:07 though other behavioral issues in society are regarded by some as diseases already, i.e. alcoholism, it still strikes me as innovative. #
- 12:11 i really wonder where the discussion of urban virus will lead.. #
- 12:12 i almost want to start some cross between slutkin's new ideas in ceasefire and the old practices of operation ceasefire here in portland.. #
my daily tweets bought to lj thanks to