The local Dillard's got a ton of inventory from stores on the gulf that were damaged in the latest storms, and was selling it all for a few dollars an item. Lewis probably got $1000 worth of clothes this weekend, and paid about $60 for them. His pride and glory: two $400 suits for which he paid $10 a piece. And, currently, I'm staring at a dozen shirts and 16 pairs of pants that we picked up for his friends and my dad as Christmas presents, all for about $60 bucks.
When we got home last night, from our second trip to check out the sale (we've been there Fri., Sat., and today!), we called the Foleys to tell them about it. Lewis got Mike and told him about his suit purchases. I was in the other room and I could hear Mike exclaiming over the phone, "You've got to be kidding! I'm ALL OVER IT!" Then, when we were there this afternoon, we ran into Alexandra and I kept seeing Catherine and Mary popping out from behind racks of clothes, apparently "exploring." Alexandra paused long enough to say hello, but was clearly manic from shopping and fighting crowds. :)
thepresidentrix, Lewis got a suit to out-Foley Foley. It's a Ralph Lauren seersucker, with pants that have little flags all over them. I'm working on convincing him to dress as Mike for Halloween (and to take us "trick-or-treating" over at their house, to see whether they can figure out the costume). All he needs now are big, gold cuff-links. Perhaps we can make some...
All this is a great financial windfall, as Lewis has just purged all the shirts that he doesn't really like and has been hankering for some new ones (all of which were about $50 a piece). Now the craving has been apeased, for a tenth of the cost. However, it's been bad for time. Neither of us has accomplished anything remotely productive this entire weekend. Oops.
"Into Great Silence" is showing on EWTN tonight. I'm so excited. If excited is really the proper emotion to describe looking forward to a 3-hr dialogue-free movie about a monastery...
Lewis got up to change Samuel's clothes at 6am, and grabbed a pair of pjs that were labelled as 12 months, which barely fit. Clearly they were mistagged, and I'm so glad that he accidentally found out, because I love them and would have been so sad if Samuel had never gotten to wear them. They have dozens of green sharks with penciled on smiles all over them. So great.
Soon to come, more monkey hat pictures - because we bought it! It was on "sale" (a whoppin' $1 off), so I had an excuse...