May 17, 2007 21:12
The lights went out at Lamar around 12:50, and we got out of school early today!
I went to the CAMH fash-on show, where ma mere was a judge, and it was pretty fun I guess. I had more fun afterwards when me, kate, lind0rz and felipe went to the park. There were nice singin' homeless men, and ducks!
I'm turning in my application for CAMH Teen Council tomorrow. I hope I get to do it, cause it might be fun. I also want to apply for the Angelika, but I don't want conflicts in my schedule.
Also, if anyone is interested in riding to Austin with me, we are in need of another passenger for gas money. It's only going to be like 6 or so dollars per rider.
If not, you should seriously reconsider.
Also, I don't want to come home on the 26th, when I could stay with the loverly Verity Smith until Animal Collective, but I have no ride. It's sad :/, I wish verity were coming to Houston after that so she could drop me off.